Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Evs project information and topics

Possible ways to reduce river pollution. Use of public transport for reducing purchase of fuel. How to reduce use of electricity? Awareness in students about dangers of tobacco consumption. Hawkers along the streets: Problem or convenience? Flood control measures on bank of river Mitch. Select any one topic from part A Project – Report is to be written on both the sides of two ruled sheets (AY size paper). Write:- a)Tied of project b)illumination /History c)Observation d) Advantages e)Recommendations Part B: Journal 1 (Topics) VI. Recycling of treated sewage.Chip movement. Save the silent valley movement. Effect of agriculture on area of natural CEO-systems (grass/ land ‘forest). Importance of green surroundings in well being of people. All species have their own right to live life. Composition / vermin composition organic waste at home. Change in the onset of flowering of tree in different seasons over last decade. Part C: Journal 2 (Topics) Future of nuclear power proj ects in India. Ether Dam project campaign. Plastic waste: Its effects on environment. Effect of fish harvesting on diversity of fish locality.The factors affecting cost of farming. Use of integrated pest management techniques. Different steps / mechanisms to reduce electricity consumption. Ministry of environment and forest. All topics are compulsory in journal 1 and Journal 2 Each topic must be hand-written on ruled AY size paper (on both sides of paper) Use one AY size paper for each topic Write title of each topic Index page, Project-Report, Journal 1 & Journal 2 must be stapled together and cover it with brown paper of same size Write Student's name, Class, Stream, Division, Roll No.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Corporate Governance Assignment Essay

1. Introduction Corporate entities of all types need a governing body. In the case of a company, this is its board of directors. Corporate entities governed by a board of directors face the central challenge of the agency issue. Whenever a principal has to rely on agents to handle his or her business, governance issues arise. (Tricker 2012) Presently, corporate governance is an evolving concept as such there is no fixed definition. However, corporate governance has been defined as, â€Å"the system by which companies are directed and controlled.† (The Report of the Cadbury Committee on The Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance: The Code of Best Practice 1993) Recent high-profile corporate failures, scandals and, in some cases, executive corruption, have focused international regulatory and public attention on the need for having appropriate corporate governance standards and practices. (Leblanc 2005) As such, much emphasis is being placed on board evaluation. The ‘principles-based’ model of corporate governance is applied in Commonwealth countries. Under this model companies are required to report that they have followed the governance principles laid down in the codes or to explain why they have not. (Tricker 2012) Guyana being a Commonwealth country is subject to this self-regulatory framework of corporate governance. This paper used the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance (2004) as the basis for reviewing the governance of Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited. As such the paper is organized as follows; 1) explanation of the bases of review, 2) overview of Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited, 3) a review of the boards’ responsibilities, 4) recommendations for improvements and 5) conclusions. 2. Bases of Review There is no solitary model for good corporate governance, what constitutes good corporate governance will progress with the changing circumstances of the company. Established, codes and guidelines can serve as sound guidance for companies who care to be good corporate citizens. (Du Plessis, McConvill & Bagaric 2005) The OECD Principles of Corporate Governance (2004) are a set of internationally recognised and accepted guidelines that pave the way for establishing good corporate governance within an organisation. Succinctly,  put the OECD recommendations in accordance with the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance (2004) are as follows: The rights of shareholders The equitable treatment of shareholders The role of stakeholders in corporate governance Disclosure and transparency The responsibilities of the board to act in good faith, diligently, and with care to treat all shareholders fairly to ensure compliance with the law to review and guide corporate strategy to select, compensate, and monitor key executives to monitor governance practices to ensure integrity of accounting and financial systems In conducting a review of the board of directors, it would be wise to assess along the guidelines stipulated as the responsibility of the board in the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance (2004). Additionally, ensuring that the board complies with the national Companies Act, follows the rules set out in the company constitution and adheres to industry regulations indicates conformance to good corporate governance principles. 3. Discussion 3.1. Overview of the Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited is one of the largest and oldest commercial banks in Guyana. The bank was initially a state owned institution, British Guyana Bank, which was sold to foreign investors thus becoming the Royal Bank. Further, transition saw the Royal Bank being resold to the Government of Guyana leading to the establishment of the National Bank of Industry and Commerce Limited. In 1997 Republic Bank Limited of Trinidad and Tobago purchased majority shares of the company and later renamed it Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited. (‘History of Republic Bank’ 2015) 3.2. Responsibility 1: To act in good faith, diligently, and with care There are two key elements to the fiduciary duty of board members; the duty of care and the duty of loyalty. (Tricker 2012) The duty of care requires board members to act on a fully informed basis, in good faith, with due diligence and care. (OECD  2004) At Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited the duty of care is established as the board comprises of majority independent directors , whose extensive experience in both business and finance provide invaluable input into the decision making of the company. Additionally, in keeping with the bank’s culture of broad disclosure the executive director ensures that all pertinent information relevant to the bank’s operations is provided to members of the board of directors. (Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited 2014) The duty of loyalty is of central importance, since it is the basis of executing other corporate governance principles. (OECD 2004) At Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited the duty of loyalty can be seen in the bank’s related party policy underscores the need for all transactions done with related parties and affiliates to be done on the same terms and conditions as with a non-related party. Directors are required to disclose their interest in related party transactions and to recuse themselves from considering or approving transactions in which they have an interest. (Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited 2014) 3.3. Responsibility 2: To treat all shareholders fairly Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited is a subsidiary of Republic Bank Limited. As at December 31, 2014 the stock holdings of Republic Bank Limited in Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited was 51.1%. The OECD guidelines suggest this principle is of particular importance in companies, such as Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited, who is the controlling shareholder and thus by de facto is able to select all board members. A sound corporate governance system requires that shareholders can actively participate in, and exert influence on, corporate strategic decision-making. If designed well, this can be done effectively through annual general meetings and proxy voting. Additionally, shareholders have a right to participate in, and be sufficiently informed on decisions concerning fundamental corporate changes. (Duhamel 2002) Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited adheres to the OECD principle in several ways. The company host an annual general meeting to which all stakeholders are given due notice of. Also, in accordance with the bank’s by-laws, three directors retire from the board annually and may offer themselves for re-election at the bank’s annual general meeting. The company also issues an annual report and quarterly financial statements to stakeholders and the general public.  Pursuant to the mandate to ensure that the interests of the various stakeholders are considered the board of directors meets, at a minimum, on a quarterly basis while the Executive Sub-Committee of the Board, comprising seven Board members, meets monthly for the remaining months. (Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited 2014) 3.4. Responsibility 3: To ensure compliance with the law The board of directors of Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited is committed to proper standards of corporate governance and maintaining these standards at the highest level. Continuous monitoring of the bank’s systems and procedures is done to ensure that standards are in keeping with the best practice as determined by the principles of corporate governance. The bank is also guided by the Recommendations for a Code of Corporate Governance issued by the Guyana Securities Council, and Supervision Guideline No. 8 on Corporate Governance issued by the Bank of Guyana under the authority of the Financial Institutions Act 1995. In addition the Bank is compliant with Supervision Guideline 10 on the Public Disclosure of Information. (Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited 2014) 3.5. Responsibility 4: To review and guide corporate strategy As stated in the bank’s Annual report of 2014 â€Å"Of critical importance to the board of directors is the responsibility to approve and review the bank’s strategic plan and within this context, to approve annual budgets, including capital expenditure. The board retains the responsibility for reviewing and approving credit applications above a specified limit.† In keeping with the expectation of the board of directors the performance of each Management Officer is also assessed against all key performance areas which among other things may include financial targets. The performance of all management officers is reviewed by the Board of Directors on an annual basis. Additionally, taking into account the increasing need for risk assessment, the board of directors has established a risk management committee, known as the other risks committee. 3.6. Responsibility 5: To select, compensate, and monitor key executives As stated in the annual report of 2014, the managing director and management team are appointed by the board of directors. Each management officer has a written mandate and is required to execute the stated functions as outlined therein. The managing director’s responsibilities and authorities are  documented and approved by the board of directors. 3.7. Responsibility 6: To monitor governance practices Monitoring of governance practice involves continuous review of the internal structure of the company, monitoring and disclosure of corporate governance practices on a regular basis, self-assessment by boards of their performance as well as performance reviews of individual board members and the CEO/Chairman. (OECD 2004) At Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited, the board of directors approves the organisational structure for the Bank which ensures a reporting structure with prudent and effective controls. The board of directors comprises nine directors including one executive director. Of the eight non-executive directors, five are independent. Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited adheres to the recommendations of the Supervision Guideline No. 8 on Corporate Governance issued by the Bank of Guyana under the authority of the Financial Institutions Act 1995 regarding its board structure. The board is comprised of an executive director and a majority of independent directors. (Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited 2014) Further, as suggested in the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance 2004, â€Å"with single tier board systems, the objectivity of the board and its independence from management may be strengthened by the separation of the role of chief executive and chairman†, Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited chairman is a non-executive director. The managing director of Bank (Guyana) Limited is the only executive director on the board. Additionally, in the annual report of the bank a statement of the bank’s corporate governance practice is made public. 3.8. Responsibility 7: To ensure integrity of accounting and financial systems Several committees have been set up by Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited to ensure integrity of accounting and financial systems. These committees are: 3.8.1. The audit committee The audit committee of the board meets at least quarterly to review the bank’s system of internal control, financial reporting process, audit and examination process, and compliance with statutory and regulatory laws. When necessary, the Audit Committee is responsible for reviewing the independence, competence and qualifications of the External Auditors. 3.8.2. The compensation committee The compensation, which meets at minimum once per year, is responsible for formalising the bank’s remuneration policy for staff. 3.8.3. The other risks committee The other risks committee, which meets quarterly, is responsible for reviewing policies and procedures and ensuring that the Bank is not exposed to unnecessary risks with respect to its operations. 3.9. Responsibility 8: Corporate Social Responsibility â€Å"Every board has a duty to formulate the company’s strategy, recognizing the risks involved, and part of that process involves determining how the company will behave, in other words, establishing how social responsibility will be exercised throughout the organization.† (Tricker 2012, p. 235) At Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited the need to be a good corporate citizen and perform its corporate social responsibility is understood and mirrored in the company’s vision which establishes the bank wishes to set a standard of excellence for social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility activities of Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited are conducted under its Power to make a difference program. The Power to Make a Difference programme aims to enhance the quality of life of disadvantaged persons; support healthcare programmes and disability awareness initiatives; provide opportunities for young people to realise their truest potential through sport, education and th e arts; build community spirit and, in essence, help to correct some of society’s ills. (Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited 2014) 4. Recommendations It was found that Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited in its governance aims to be a good corporate citizen by complying with rules and regulation stipulated at a national level and also meeting international standards of corporate governance. However, there are areas that could stand improvement and as such the following recommendations are made: 1) The chairman of the board of directors should be an independent non-executive director. Presently, the chairman of the board of directors of Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited is also the managing director of Republic Bank Limited, the majority shareholder in Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited. Having a connected non-executive director as chairman hinders board objectivity. Since the chairman’s interest are  aligned with the majority shareholder it can be posited that the rights of minority shareholder is at threat of being be overlooked. A non-executive chairman will be able to play a critical role in representing the different constituencies in the company with an impartial viewpoint. (Cossin & Caballero 2013) 2) The compensation committee of the board of directors in addition to formalising the bank’s remuneration policy for staff, should also be responsible for setting the remuneration policy and employment contracts for board members. This committee of the board should comprise either wholly or a majority of independent directors. (OECD 2004) 3) The bank should establish a nominating committee. The nominating committee offers a check-and-balance mechanism designed to reduce the possibility of a dominant director. The nominating committee should be made up wholly, or mainly, of independent outside directors, to make recommendations on replacement or additional members of the board. (Tricker 2012) 4) A standing committee of the board should be established with significant independent director membership, to recommend policies and to oversee corporate activities on corporate ethics codes, whistle-blowing procedures, and corporate social responsibility (CSR). (Tricker 2012) As suggested in the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance 2004 in fulfilling its control oversight responsibilities it is important for the board to encourage the reporting of unethical/unlawful behaviour without fear of retribution. 5) Of the nine members of the board only one is female. Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited should enhance board diversity by balancing the gender of the directors on the board. Studies that have validated a performance-based rationale for bringing women on boards. Results have demonstrated that comp anies with women board members outperform companies with no women directors.(Norris, 2012) 5. Conclusion Standards of corporate governance are determined by the measures which companies take for themselves, whether voluntarily or otherwise, to improve the way they are directed and controlled, and by the legal, ï ¬ nancial, and ethical environment in which they work. The governance framework is there to encourage the efï ¬ cient use of resources and equally to require accountability for the stewardship of those resources. The aim is to align  as nearly as possible the interests of individuals, of corporations, and of society. (Claessens 2003) The governance of Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited, when reviewed in relation to the functions of the board as presented in the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance 2004 was found to compliant with most. Thus it can be deduced that, in administering both its conformance and performance duties, the board of directors of Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited adheres to best practices as they recognise good governance can play a role in promoting econo mic growth and business integrity. 6. References ‘History of Republic Bank’ 2015, About Republic Bank, viewed 17 Mach 2015, ‘The Report of the Cadbury Committee on The Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance: The Code of Best Practice’, Corporate Governance: An International Review, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 124-124. Claessens, S 2003, Corporate Governance and Development, The World Bank, Washington. Cossin, D & Caballero, J 2013, Active Chairmanship Background: Literature Review, IMD University, IMD Global Board Center. Du Plessis, J, McConvill, J and Bagaric, M 2005, Principles of contemporary corporate governance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Duhamel, V 2002, ‘Promoting Shareholder Participation’ paper presented at The Fourth Asian Roundtable on Corporate Governance, 11-12 November 2002, Leblanc, R 2005, 20 questions directors should ask about governance assessments. Toronto: Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, Toronto. OECD 2004, OECD Principles of Corporate Governance 2004, OECD Publications Service, France. Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited 2014, Annual report 2014: The power of one, Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited, Guyana. Tricker, B 2012, Corporate Governance: Principles, Policies and Practices, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Are Goverments Efforts in Curbing GreenHpuse Emissions Enough Essay

Are Goverments Efforts in Curbing GreenHpuse Emissions Enough - Essay Example The paper tells that many governments worldwide are putting in efforts to curb the emission of greenhouse gases is evident and promising. The efforts are there to see. But there is another factor that is not just equally but more disturbing. Since 1970’s the emission of green house gases worldwide has roughly doubled and with the current efforts and policies, it is believed to go up by 70% by 2050. The two major contributors of greenhouse gases are USA and China. USA and China account for nearly 44% of the total carbon dioxide production on the planet. China is responsible for 23% of the total carbon dioxide production while USA accounts for 21%. According to the Fifth U.S. Climate Action Report, there has been a 17% increase in the emissions of the greenhouse gases in the US during 1990-2007. Emission of greenhouse gases in China is increasing even more rapidly. From 1992 to 2002, there has been a 56% increase in the emission and since it has doubled. Going by the current pac e, the emissions are expected to double or triple by 2025. This is a clear indicator again, that the efforts of the 2 main contributors of greenhouse gas emissions are falling short by a long margin. The above holds good for the governments of other countries too. France and Britain have openly admitted that the goal to bring down emissions by 20% by 2020 is very low. Also the efficiency goal of improving by 20% by 2020 set by European Union has a big problem. According to the European Commission only half the 10% of improvement in efficiency will be achieved. (The Economist, 2011). Slovenia has adopted numerous plans to curb the emission of greenhouse gases but has failed to abide by its commitment to Kyoto obligations. Karl Erjavec, Slovenia’s Environment Minister, had said in 2009 government session that the requirements of the Kyoto obligations were not met. In 2009, Slovenia’s carbon dioxide emissions were 1m kilo tonnes more than the Kyoto limit (EVROPA, 2009). I t is now clear that irrespective of numerous initiatives and efforts, there has been a rapid increase in the greenhouse gases worldwide. This goes to prove that the efforts of the government in curbing the emission of greenhouses gases are not enough. There is an urgent need for Governments of all nations to take up this seriously and starting working towards reducing the greenhouse gas emissions before it is too late and the changes become irreversible. There are various reasons and challenges why governments have not been able to take strong actions and enforce stricter laws to prevent emission of green house gases. As said,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Starbucks Marketing Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Starbucks Marketing Strategy - Essay Example When the company was established, it began as a lone store in the famous Pike Place Market in Seattle. During those days, the company offered some finest fresh-roasted bean coffees worldwide. Consequently, the Starbucks was considered to be the best coffee company since it did not only brought the feeling of connection but also celebrated coffee. Starbucks company has a team of leadership that ensures that all goes well in the company. The company has a chairman, Howard Schultz. He is also the chief executive officer of the company. Adam Brotman is the chief digital officer while Michael Conways serves as the president of the Starbucks Global Channel Development. Also, the company has an executive vice president of Starbucks Global Chanel Development. Other key leaders in the company include Jeff Hansberry, president of Evolution Fresh, Lucy Lee, the executive vice president, general counsel and secretary, executive vice president and chief partner (human) resources officer, Scott Pitasky and Sharon. There are many more people holding different leadership positions in the company to ensure that the company runs smoothly without anything that would encourage its downfall. Most of the leaders are trained and equipped for their positions. One of the greatest challenges of the company is climate change. It is important to know that almost a half of the coffee in the whole world is produced in accordance to the sustainability standard though on only 12 percent of the world coffee is sold in the market as a sustainable. Therefore, there is a need that the coffee company should have its definition of sustainability. However, for this to be established, there is a need that the company should be committed to facilitating the increasing demand for sustainability.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Tort Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Tort Law - Essay Example In this case the appellant had suffered damage as a result of a snail in her ginger beer bottle and she brought a claim against the manufacturer for damages. It was held in this case that even though the appellant had not bought the ginger beer and therefore had no rights under the law of contract, she could successfully pursue a claim against the manufacturer in the law of tort. Lord Atkin asserted that a manufacturer owed a legal duty of care to the ultimate consumer of his product. In discussing duty of care as a legal concept, Lord Atkin established the â€Å"neighbour† principle†2. Lord Atkins went on to define the term â€Å"neighbour† in the legal sense as being â€Å"persons who are so closely and directly affected by my act that I ought to reasonably to have them in contemplation as being so affected when I am directing my mind to the acts or omissions which are called into question.3† All the same, there are limitations to the application of duty of care principle. For instance, in the case of Dorset Yacht Co Limited v Home Office4 Lord Reid opined that â€Å"Donoghue v Stevenson may be a milestone†¦but it is not to be treated as if it were a statutory definition. It will require qualification in certain circumstances†5. The development of a test for establishing a legal duty of care in tort has been gradual. In Caparo v Dickman6, the House of Lords specified a three stage test to determine the absence or existence of a duty of care. The different states in this test are first, whether the consequences of the defendant’s actions were reasonably foreseeable. Second, whether there was sufficient proximity to impose a duty of care; and lastly, whether it is fair, just and reasonable to impose a duty of care. In applying this test to the appellant’s position, it must first and foremost be established, whether the respondent could have been

Green Mile Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Green Mile - Movie Review Example My mom also watched it with me because she heard it got good reviews, but she’d never seen it before. The majority of Green Mile is set in a Death Row prison ward in 1930’s America. It stars Tom Hanks as guard supervisor Paul Edgecombe, who meets new inmate John Coffey, played by Michael Clarke Duncan. Coffey is portrayed as a ‘slow-witted gentle giant’, whose even afraid of the dark, convicted of raping and brutally killing two young girls. He also appears to have miraculous healing powers, which ultimately heal Warden Moore’s terminally ill wife. The film ends with John Coffey’s execution in the electric chair, but not before he realizes the true killer of the two young girls, a new inmate called William ‘Wild Bill’ Wharton. Coffey offers to share this information with Edgecombe through his visionary powers. Edgecombe is then torn between letting John ‘walk out’, or be executed. However, John tells him that he is re ady to die as there is too much pain in the world. I thought The Green Mile was a very powerful film and piece of acting from start to finish. Almost every scene had me gripped and fixated. I especially liked Tom Hanks’s character, and I viewed him as a fair and moral prison guard. For example, he made it clear to Percy (an irritating prison guard) that the prisoners on death row had enough torment to deal with without the guards exacerbating the situation.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Social marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Social marketing - Essay Example This report focuses mainly on ways and techniques for social marketing. Social marketing is a source of creating awareness regarding any essential issue in a society and works for social benefits by means of various campaigns which are usually non-profit seeking. It is a way to change behavior of individuals in a society and strive for their good. These issues could be health related or may be associated with behavioral changes needed by a society. Social marketing must not be puzzled or mingled with â€Å"societal marketing â€Å"or â€Å"social media marketing† as these are entirely separate marketing techniques.(Kotler, Roberto, Lee, 2002) Social marketing may include various significant campaigns like stop smoking, and it should be avoided in public places and where kids are present in a family places like restaurants. Awareness regarding syringes to be disposed immediately after the use, to avoid HIV transmission. Here it also involves educating people to observe the laboratory technician or hospital staff whether they dispose the syringe in front of you in the trash can or not. Another health issue is the use same shaving razor in saloons that may lead to catch jaundice or hepatitis infections and skin diseases. (Ewing, 2001) Hence the aim of social marketing is to use commercial techniques for the betterment of society and common people regardless of considering the financial profit. HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY: One of the healthcare industries is a pharmaceutical industry that manufactures drug substances including tablet, capsule, injections, syrups, suspensions, creams and ointments. The label of a drug is one of the most important protocols that should contain all relevant information including generic name of the drug, weight of the active ingredient, batch number, date of manufacture, expiry date , manufacturer’s name, dose, and other useful information which stands as a key factor in marketing of these medicinal agents. Another healthcare industry is a hospital where a patient is admitted for treatment and gets cured. These days many hospitals are occupied in social marketing related to human health like arranging free eye camps for treatment of cataract and free diabetes check up etc. Certain NGO’s and government healthcare departments are organizing various social marketing campaigns like prevention of drug addiction and counseling of such addict ed individuals. PRODUCTS FOR SOCIAL MARKETING: Social marketing products are non-tangible objects and are important for health, safety and environments benefits. There are many examples of social marketing products like, water conservation, keep the environment clean and green etc. (Vella, 2008) EXERCISE: Here we shall consider the example of â€Å"exercise† as a social marketing product. Exercise is considered as one of the most important aspect of human life style. It helps you staying fit and healthy. This act is very essential for prevention of various diseases like myocardial infarction, blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis etc. Even pregnant women are advised for mild exercises during the period of gestation to keep themselves active. Exercise boosts your stamina and helps in ailment of numerous diseases. A brisk walk is supposed to be the best exercise for age groups. Nowadays there is a trend of going to gym for aerobics and use of fitness machines. Therefore exercise as one of social marketing product where different companies are also engaged in bringing people towards health and fitness and changing their views, plays a vital role in prevention and cure of a number of health related issues. There are four Ps of marketing: product, place, price and promotion. (Kotler, 2003) Product: means the preferred attitude that the marketing company anticipates from the consumers. This is usually a non-tangible object but could be physical as well (e.g. weight reduction pill). Price: The price should be affordable, like offering special packages for gym, swimming pool, games such as tennis,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Inflation and Deflation in the Czech Republic since 1998 Essay

Inflation and Deflation in the Czech Republic since 1998 - Essay Example Czechoslovak was famous for export industries, especially automotive ones then. But the major policy change stopped the export growth of the state. Even though the following governments tried some measures to keep economy strong, nothing could help. The Communist Regime allowed only state owned enterprises and state lead economic planning. It relied more on artificial pricing of commodities. No political, cultural or economic liberalization was allowed. Year after year the situation became worse only and it led to a total tragedy within a few decades. By 1980s, Czechoslovakia started facing deep crisis and people started protesting. In the initial days the protests were not so strong and the Government tried to suppress it. But it was not possible. Protests gathered momentum and by 1989 the Communist Government resigned. It was followed by democratic election which was the beginning of a new era as far as the history of Czechoslovakia is concerned. The major policy change in USSR allowing liberalization at to a limited extent and the weakening of power of Communists in neighboring states like East Germany and Poland also influenced the developments which led to the situation of Communists loosing power in Czechoslovakia. In the elections conducted in 1990, Vclav Havel got elected as President. The new Government formed under his leadership decided anyway to march away from the track of Communism. Policy was framed to strengthen economy following the footsteps of the already developed economies. Free market and privatization were introduced in the state for the first time. This change could create some positive signs in economy. Both Czech and Slovakia got independent prime ministers according to federal structure and later they decided to part and remain two separate independent states. Thus on 1993 January First Czech became a sovereign republic. Soon the state started making remarkable growth in its economy. But unfortunately good days didn't last long. By 1997 Prime Minister was ousted from power and this political stability along with other issues took the state to a deep economic crisis. The speculative attack on Koruna in May 1997 stopped the growth signs of economy. This made the Czech econom y 'stagflant' which led to major issues like loss of employment, lesser production, acceleration of deflation, etc. But the political leadership continued the attempt to lead the state to prosperity. They made a shift in the nature of foreign trading. More concentration was put in trade with the Western countries whereas it was towards the East earlier. For creating enough fund for various activities, Czech relied on international funding agencies. They could successfully manage to get both grants and loans from institutions like World Ban, International Monetary Fund, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, etc. External debt in 1999 was about 24.3 billion Dollars. Since major share of this loan amount was used for nothing but building up the nation's economy itself, indirectly the loan burden was supporting the prosperity of the state. The fact that Czech could repay some loans before schedule makes it undoubtedly clear that the policy change was going in the right direction. In 1999 inflation was very less, average rate being 2.1 % only. The significant fall in inflation cannot be seen just as the after effect of internal policies or situation alone. The deflation in other

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Research on a recent (2012-2013) malware attack Paper

On a recent (2012-2013) malware attack - Research Paper Example This paper seeks to give an in-depth analysis of the Stuxnex virus. Stuxnet is a very complex computer virus, which was observed to be specifically designed for industrial appliances attack. In this regard, it would affect the operation of the industrial devices and could lead to failure of the system. According to Ricks (2012), Stuxnet virus was designed and deployed by American and Israel intelligence in a bid to bring down the Iranian nuclear plant. The designing of the Stuxnet virus dates back from the time George W. Bush was the American president, and was accelerated to its completion under Obama’s first term as the American president (Sanger, 2012). The joint project between the American and the Israel intelligence personnel was implemented under the code â€Å"Olympic games.† The main target was the Iranian military-industrial complex in a bid to hamper its operations, thus making them incapable on continuing with their development on nuclear weapons (Sanger, n.d.). The first deployment was done in 2008 and 2009, and the target s were Natanz nuclear enrichment. At first, it was thought the failure in the operations of the plant was due to incompetence of the Iranian officials mandated to monitor it. For security reasons, computers  for  monitoring and controlling the operation of the plant were not connected to the internet. The virus was to be spread using removable devices. When the devices were plugged into the computers, the virus software would record the operations of the Centrifuges, after which it would interfere with the normal operations of the centrifuges; thus, bringing down the plant. This was the only route through which the virus could be introduced to the nuclear plant as the American and Israel intelligence officials did not have access to the plant; workers, who include engineers and maintenance personnel, were used to infect the plant with the virus through

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Rudiger Dornbuschs model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Rudiger Dornbuschs model - Essay Example Bidian (3) notes the overshooting model will help us understand why: (i.) over the short run, there are deviations from purchasing power parity; (ii.) there is volatility in both the nominal exchange rate and in the real exchange rate. Using the money demand equation1, the UIP condition2 and the PPP condition3, the model uses [where yt is the national income, i* is the international interest rate (exogenous) and p* is the international price level (also exogenous)]: The crucial ingredient is the assumption that prices pt is sticky in short run (Bidian 3). The following figure on the monthly variability of the US dollar/Deutsch mark exchange rate and the US/German price ratio illustrates this point: Benigno (5-7) cites the following outcomes of monetary expansion in the Dornbusch model and the items must be noted in order to determine the long-run effect of the monetary expansion: 1) we know that aggregate demand has to be equal to the long run level of output given by y. Thus, we can conclude that long-run equilibrium will be on the vertical aggregate supply curve; 2) since i* (international/foreign interest rate) did not change, we know that in the long run equilibrium, I (local interest rate) = i*: our IS and LM curve need to return to the original equilibrium. Particularly, the increase in money supply translates into a proportional increase in the price level.3) Since the IS curve depends only on the real exchange rate, this means that the real exchange rate must return to the initial equilibrium. To determine its impact effect (keep in mind that goods market adjust slowly while financial markets adjust instantaneously), note that an increase in money supply determines a d ecrease in the domestic interest rates (the liquidity effect) in order to cushion the excess supply of real money balances (the excess supply brought about by sticky prices).Also, the UIP condition in the Dornbusch model holds which implies that the decline in the domestic interest rate is compatible only if there is an equilibrating change in the nominal exchange rate. In order to keep domestic assets in their portfolio, households must foresee that the nominal exchange rate will appreciate along the path that goes to the long-run equilibrium. Meanwhile, in order to generate expectation of appreciation, the nominal exchange rate overdepreciates (overshoots), so as the domestic currency becomes undervalued that it is expected to appreciate in the future. Given the depreciation of the nominal exchange rate the IS curve then shifts outward. Suppose an unanticipated permanent increase in money supply m occurs, Bidian (4-5) cites the following outcomes to take place: due to fixed prices (in short run) and exogenous output, this means that the interest rates decrease by m/. Since long run money neutrality means that the change in money supply is (fully) incorporated into the price level, hence pt+1 increases by m. Equation (3) implies that in the absence

Monday, July 22, 2019

Inventory Stratification Essay Example for Free

Inventory Stratification Essay Creating shareholder value is the ultimate goal of all businesses, so all processes should be directly tied to it.(1) The wholesale distributor’s core business process framework is a collection of process groups called 7S source, stock, sell, ship, supply chain planning, and support services. Linking these process groups to shareholder value are the process metrics – percentage of slow moving inventory; and the financial framework. This framework consists of the financial elements – inventory; the financial key performance indicators – GMROII; and the financial drivers – profitability. Inventory stratification is a specific business process under the inventory management subgroup in the stock process of 7S. Like most processes there is a common, good, and best practice for inventory stratification. Inventory stratification which includes the GMROII (gross margin return on inventory investment) method of A, B, C, D, X and Y items is considered best practice. A, B, C, and D represent items in inventory ranked by percentage of profitability from higher profitability down to zero profitability respectively. X and Y represent items with zero inventories, X represents items with gross margin dollars and Y represents items without any gross margin dollars. GMROII focuses on the items profitability making it a financial driver and is considered best practice. However, for optimal inventory stratification solutions, the final rank should include a combination method of the GMROII method; sales volume method – representative of customer-centric data; and the hits method – representative of logistics based data. Once the weighted combination data is compiled, best practices can be implemented throughout all the 7S process  groups and in every section of the financial framework linking inventory stratification (process) directly to four financial drivers: asset efficiency, profitability, cash flow, and growth. These four financial drivers increase ROI (shareholder value). With inventory stratification complete sourcing has integral data to complete best practice process metrics for supplier management. Supplier stratification can help a firm modify their supplier base into one that is profitable and efficient for all channels within the supply chain. Supplier scorecards can be created which leads to numerous financial elements being increased. Inventory stratification is key for best practice levels in determining the right number of suppliers as inventory stratification status of the product in terms of movement and profitability. This indirectly defines the required customer service level as well. With supplier performance improvement, higher satisfaction rates evolve both with the distributor and further more with the customer.. If the distributor is tracking the supplier’s performance and is able to having periodic meetings with their supplier’s based on the results of the scorecards this will drive efficiency and supplier performance improvement. Also, higher supply chain reliability occurs since the supplier knows where the distributors need increased satisfaction levels to be able to continue servicing their customer at high standards. If the scorecard says the supplier is lacking in the area of competitive pricing the distributor then has the data to begin price negotiations. This knowledge allows sourcing through the subgroup supplier management to eliminate suppliers who only provide C and D items finding the right number of suppliers for the organization. Eliminating C and D items reduces inventory and increases GMROII. You now have the option of reinvesting the resulting capital into A and B items, paying back loans, or other business opportunities. In the debt reduction case, the impact can be readily seen on the balance sheet. The investment in A items leads to further sales opportunities. The reinvestments and its associated expected inventory turns will help in calculating additional revenue and resulting improvement in EBITDA. Reinvestments can also be for capital purchases to position the business for future growth. Inventory stratification also affects the ship and store segments of the 7S process group. With the knowledge that can be obtained from the data slow moving items can be  removed from branch inventory and a Regional Distribution Center (RDC) may be implemented. This allows the branches to carry more A or B items, or simply to reduce their inventory cost. RDC’s are usually able to operate with less inventory by sales volume. Labor expense is also reduced driving profitability to the shareholders. Inventory stratification is the primary driver for sales forecast and helps populate fill rates by rank. Forecasted demand combined with lead time and safety stock is the primary component to reorder point. Inventory stratification minimizes the normally time consuming forecast process both with information systems resources and with human resources. The best practice forecasting model is driven off the inventory stratification and is therefore driven by the sell segment, this numerically factual forecast will be void of the emotional forecasting of the sales force. Marketing can use the inventory stratification to process what customers’ needs are or what customers are interested in. Inventory stratification is integral in both customer stratification which once completed and redeployment of the sales force has occurred additional revenues are recognized and cost to serve are reduced again driving profit to shareholders. Customer service often drives large, inefficient inventories in an attempt to be all things to all people. Shareholder value seeks to carry only profitable products, at reasonable levels, producing maximum sales, while also increasing market share. Inventory stratification is an integral part of this process. (1) Optimizing Distributor Profitability: Best Practices to a Stronger Bottom Line, by Senthil Gunasekaran, Pradip Krishnadevarajan, F. Barry Lawrence, NAW Institute for Distribution Excellence 2009.

Serenade lyrics Essay Example for Free

Serenade lyrics Essay He who believeth in Ja shall not be condemned But he that believeth not is condemned already Only because he has not believed In the name of the only begotten son, my Lord For he so feared the world he left his only begotten son To shed his blood show that pain is love But I wont cry cause I live to die Wit my mind on my money and my guns to the sky For he so feared the world he left his only begotten son To shed his blood, show that pain is love But I wont cry cause I live to die Wit my mind on my money and my guns to the sky Yeah, why would you leave somethin you love here to die In the cold and it grows like a concrete rose Beautiful, aint I? Till I withered and died On insane streets you left me and, screamin Lord let me in I dont know where to begin since I lost your love But then again your love was strictly for the drugs I dont know whether to hug or to fill you with slugs Fuckin them whores instead of claimin whats rightfully yours Hole in my heart from all the pain you caused With no direction you left your first born lost Give or take a few cause my hate for you Grew, over the years through blood, sweat, and tears I wanted to be just like you, my father figure, now I wanna fight you You bitch nigga, left me lone and parts of me never out grown The fact that you left home when moms was so strong Dont let them get you fed, this world is yours, she said Now nothin that stoppin me but two to the head In life theres more to come when its all said and done You lost one, love, your only begotten son For he so feared the world he left his only begotten son To shed his blood, show that pain is love But I wont cry cause I live to die Wit my mind on my money and my guns to the sky But what a nigga live for and damn ready to die young Im the shadow behind the gun look at what Ive become The feared of many niggas, the floss of most bitches The love that runs deepest in the hearts of street niggas Raised in the ghetto by the ghetto, was taught young to pop the metal Thats how shit get settled, learn to cook up the coke Never leave home without toast Learn to fly my bitches with birds and furs not coats Never trust ya from a toddler to hustla I was trained as a youngsta to cock back and slug ya Love me or hate me, ya only son Let me live or kill me, the chosen one Ja, under the gun gotta kill em for show If you want it you gonna get more then you askin for Lifes got more to come but when its all said and done You lost one, love, your only begotten son For he so feared the world he left his only begotten son To shed his blood, show that pain is love But I wont cry cause I live to die Wit my mind on my money and my guns to the sky For he so feared the world he left his only begotten son To shed his blood, show that pain is love But I wont cry cause I live to die Wit my mind on my money and my guns to the sky I wanted to be forever yours, looking now at nothin more than Two lost souls lookin to meet at the cross roads I burn the hydro, lay back with my eyes closed In deep thought like Brittany is somethin Id die for How the fuck do you sleep at night? Knowin you wrong the only thing you ever did right Despite the loss I stretch the length of a short Now I got a new father whose name is New York Runnin wild in the streets with heat, we dont talk Cause when its cold you basically live life in dark When light would shine from the heavens And bless one, Ja Rule love, your only begotten son For he so feared the world he left his only begotten son To shed his blood, show that pain is love But I wont cry cause I live to die Wit my mind on my money and my guns to the sky For he so feared the world he left his only begotten son To shed his blood, show that pain is love But I wont cry cause I live to die Wit my mind on my money and my guns to the sky For he so feared the world he left his only begotten son To shed his blood, show that pain is love But I wont cry cause I live to die Wit my mind on my money and my guns to the sky Serenade (Franz Schubert) (1797-1828) Schuberts immortal Serenade was written in 1826. it is so familiar that it needs no analysis, nor is one necessary from any point of view. It is simply a lovely melody from first note to last, written upon the inspiration of the moment, and yet characterized by absolute perfection of finish and a grace and beauty of which one never tires. It was originally composed as an alto solo and male chorus and was subsequently rearranged for female voices only. The circumstances of its composition as told by Schuberts biographer, Von Hellborn, are of more than ordinary interest. Von Hellborn says: Rhythm Generally means a movement marked by the regulated succession of strong and weak elements, or of opposite or different conditions (Anon. 1971, 2537). Rhythm of Serenade (1943) Patriotic musical romance. After her school is closed, teacher Ann tries to join up. However, she is persuaded to organise a nursery for a munitions factory.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

News From Nowhere Analysis of William Morris

News From Nowhere Analysis of William Morris Introduction In this essay I will analyse how William Morris’s News from Nowhere and the nineteenth century ecological ideology will shape the vision of the world around humanity. How Morris wanted to design a world that was to him becoming gloomy and joyless, a world that is being separated by industrialist and capitalist systems who have turned everything of value into profit making, although he believes both industrialism and capitalism go hand in hand. My focus will be on how these ideologies are organised in utopian imaginative narration Utopia meaning an imaginary society, place or state considered to be perfect and ideal and could not exist anywhere. But on the other hand that leaves a question can it, society be improved? News from Nowhere exists with visions of the future and also seeks to defend and uphold the revolutionary function of such expectation and hope. It strikes out as a book that is a little different from today. William Morris was a man of many talents, an artist, poet, carpenter, manufacturer, activist, and a socialist during the late 19th century. Later in his life he became a graphic designer. He was born March of 1834 in Walthamstow, England into a wealthy family. He went to school at an early age, studied at Oxford and became interested in art and architecture. At a later part of his life he became interested in politics and textile designs Main body The book tells about beautiful scenery and good weather; †¦air just sharp enough to be refreshing†¦ (News from Nowhere, chapter 1) is an indication of climate changes which for decades now have been a challenge facing the planet today. The problem that comes from climate change has caused many unfriendly problems that the world is facing that have resulting into different problems such as deaths, diseases, and dryness from deserts, water shortages, etc. It is up to the leaders of the world to make necessary changes so as to save the future of the planet. William Morris had an idea of a perfect world and hopeful of what the future might bring, and one of the impressive characters of the ideal world is the freedom of every man and woman to be in control of his/her own destiny. A world that is free from oppression and full of opportunities. Morris more than most people, had set up himself with a good start in life as far as career wise. By his adulthood he had already accomplished some tremendous success, created his firm, developed and exploited his talents to the full, basically he had made himself wealthy and this brought more success to his later careers as an independent actor on the political and social scene as he wished. After he left school he never exposed himself to where someone could be telling him what to do or taking orders from people except on certain occasions he had encounter with the law. He was not a selfish person, as he was a privileged man; he wanted the same for every person. A society without statue or privilege is what Morris wanted (Harvey and Press, 1996) Morris claims that the society is full of evil and that capitalism has destroyed what is left of the society but with communism it can be revived (Geoghegan, 2008) Morris saw in medieval craft labour an anticipation of what free labour in communism will be like. During the medieval periods craftspeople did not experience the type of degradation that labours have been subjected to under capitalism; that is between intellectual and manual and intellectual labour, between great art and manufacture, and also between pleasure and work. Morris believes that it is possible for man to rejoice in his work, and not only the labours that can make one rejoice, the products represent the height of human achievement to date. He rejected mass production, but rather encouraged those to develop their own manual skills such as were necessary to, and enjoyable in the domestic environment. In 1876 Morris wrote a letter to the Daily News protesting against Conservative government’s policy in the Balkans who offered the Turks military support the Russian expansionism in order to protect their interests in the Near East. Morris’s letter gave voice to the feelings and reaction of the people’s demonstration against this move especially a significant section of British opinion, particularly the liberals who resented their government being in war against Turks killing and massacre of Bulgarians. Morris’s letter within a couple of weeks had brought him popularity, after a short while he was elected Treasurer of the Eastern Question Association. This association was formed to campaign and protest against anticipation for war (Morris, 2004) Violence in the streets across the globe today are not new, they can be associated with Morris’s thought about revolution. As we witness today that democracy is sweeping across some parts of the world like the Arab countries. Its citizens are now demonstrating for changes in their government and demanding accountability and transparency. An example is couple of years back; the changes of regimes among North African countries, Egypt, Algeria, and Libya are evident of changes that came about through revolution. In 1885 Morris wrote to Georgiana Burne-Jones that the early struggles of socialism are merely ‘the petty skirmish of outposts, the fight of a corporal’s guard’; he tells the James Frederick that now he has joined the socialists, he has become ‘a soldier of the cause’. At the same time, he affirms the possibility that actual violence may be necessary for political change (Hanson, 2013, p.165) News from Nowhere makes us to understand that Morris motivated a happier society through the satisfactions of creative work. As he says in his preface to the nature of Gothic, â€Å"the lesson which Ruskin here teaches us is that art is the expression of man’s pleasure in labour† (Morris, 2004) he went further to say changed conditions of labour would not only produce better art but happier individuals more capable of enjoying it. He was not opposed to machines as a matter of principle. A lot of people believe he opposes them. He supports labour saving devices where dullness was not concerned. He said that the use of machines will speed production thereby doing those hard labour and saving human extra time and strength. But he criticised the use of machine for increase of production so as to make profit for the capitalists. Morris became the treasurer of the largely working-class National League. He formed a good relation with working people who had been empowered by the 1832 Reform Bill; the middle classes who are the driving force behind the nation’s wealth and power. Because of its success the franchise was extended to wider sections of working class which attracted new voters. His aim was for workers to be in charge of their own lives. Workers should organise and have trade unions through which they will make their voice heard, issues like wages, temporary managers, number of hours, care and sick payment, the dismissed, and the unemployed and general working conditions. After the revolution of 1848, things changed for good as a result of extension of the suffrage of 1867, increasing prosperity and liberal reforms, the rise of the trade unions all contributed to the improvement of things. Morris believed in â€Å"Socialism from the Root Up† (Morris, 2004) fundamental change brought about by sudden popular revolution. He worked hard and treated his work for league as a full time job. During Morris’s time the league fought for free speech campaign so as to possess the right to protest and carry out public demonstrations. In this process he was arrested and fined on some occasions at the Trafalgar Square. Just as it is in the world today people are demonstrating against governments, companies, or institutions on policies that are against their democratic rights. Today in Ireland the people are demonstrating against the new water charge imposed by the government Change does not come by peaceful means, but through struggles. It was through this circumstance as the Socialist League drew nearer disintegration that prompted Morris to write News from Nowhere, a book that combines continuing trust in a Socialist future with a need to recharge the batteries of an imagination near exhaustion (Morris, 2004) Morris stressed not only the importance of political party but for the party to be a party of cadres, highly trained and qualified personnel of theoretical understanding, capable of assuming a leading role in any revolutionary activities towards the working class. He made it clear that the Socialist League should stand for revolutionary and scientific Socialism as against Hyndman’s SDF (Social Democratic Federation) for the fact that he believes Hyndman and SDF method will only achieve what he Morris called ‘mechanical revolution’, which is not real revolution. On the contrary Morris demanded ‘an educated movement’ ( Morris believes that old order must not take charge put if they persist, then they must be removed by force, that is when necessary to use intelligent revolution which is for the good of the people. He wanted far above every other thing body of able high- minded working class, experienced, knowledgeable and skilled men who will teach and direct the general population during critical moments of any movement. He had a strong disapproval towards opportunism which will involve him in alliance with other parties at the long run will lead to electioneering and deprive the socialist movement some of its best leaders by sending them pretentious parliament, where they will become useless. Morris hammered on the importance of education especially in the party system so as to have a strong party which comprises education in economics, in organisation, and also administratively. He went further to say without an organised political party to provide a concrete and theoretical awareness and existence of socialism, any sudden revolt would bring it to scatter in various directions. On the issue of gender, Morris was aware of the apparent reaction of the solution regarding the woman question, just as he was conscious of the conservative and emotional implications of his desire to give new life to the handicraft. But he did not temper his belief that house work was the natural realm of the woman, they do it excellently well, and that a woman’s natural vocation was to provide help and comfort for her children and the head of the family. In the book there is an open rejection by Morris on movement of freedom with regards to central demand as the right to free the more intelligent part of their sex from the bearing of children. The domestic workers in the book are independent, athletic, active, and passionate, they are never worn down by their work, always good-natured and extremely beautiful. Perhaps is not surprising that Morris confessed that he had fallen in love with Ellen. Conclusion William Morris’s News from Nowhere is an interesting book with a vision. Despite the fact it was written in 1890, its contains arguments and debate that will inspire every generations to come; of all sectors both students, workers, politicians to look beyond the immediate system and virtualise future. Bibliography Agathocleous, T. (20011) Urban realism and the cosmopolitan imagination in the nineteenth century: Visible city, Invisible city, Cambridge University Press Cairns, J, Sears, A. (2012) the democratic imagination: Envisioning popular power in the twenty- first century, University of Toronto Press Corporal, M., Leeuwen, E. J. V. (2010) the literary utopias of cultural communities, 1790 – 1910 Rodopi Press Geoghegan, V. (2008) Utopianism and Marxism, Peter Lang Publishers Hanson, I. (2013) William Morris and the users of violence, 1856 – 1890, Anthem Press Harvey, C., Press, J. (1996) Art, enterprise, and ethics: The life and works of William Morris   Psychology Press Latham, D. (2007) writing on the image: Reading William Morris, University of Toronto Press Lvitas, R. (2010) the concept of Utopia, Peter Lang Publishers Morris, W. (2004) news from nowhere and the other writing, Penguin Publishing Peters, M. A., Freeman-Moir, D. J. (2006) Edutopias, Sense Publishers Plotz, J. (2008) portable property: Victorian culture on the move, Preston Publishers The ecological communitarianism of William Morris, /02c87,

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Information Technology in Society Essay -- Technology, Computers, The

Introduction In recent years there has been a big change as revolution in the computer and communication world and all the signs are that technological development and employ of information technology (IT) will continue go on with a fast velocity. Advocating and accompanying the impressive developments in the power and continue employ of latest information technologies has been the communications’ declining cost consequently of both technological enhancements and developed competition. Such great progresses in development present several major and great opportunities but also pose a lot of challenges. Nowadays, increasing in inventions in the field of IT are having extensive effects all over the society, and different strategy makers are working on various issues in which economic output, rights of intellectual property, protection of privacy and approach to information. Option created now will have enduring effects, and concentration must be devoted to their socio-economic impacts. The most important and very effective outcome of the development of IT is most likely the electronic communication and commerce through the Internet, a latest approach of leading the business. However, in recent times, it may fundamentally change the economic behaviours as well as the social atmosphere. Previously, it impacts those important fields like communications and interactions, retail business and finance and might spread out to sectors mainly like the services of health and education. It involves the seamless process of communication as well as information technology all along the whole business value chain that is managed electronically (Castells, 1996). Literature Review The IT has impacted numerous aspects and features o... ...ted to change in the future times. Finally, the relevancy of a contemporary informational infrastructure to the socio-economic well-being of a society cannot be undervalued. Most favourable options, be they social, cultural or economic must be relied on the finest accessible information. The information’s quality determines the efficiency of any provided choice. In the people sphere, approach to believable information and data is a prerequisite to pluralistic and participative democratic system, development of human, social and economic clearness, and the development of different society. Understanding, knowledge and information infrastructures encourage and support conversation between those holding different thoughts. It is only in an environment in which authentic realities and information are obtainable that people can establish own views and perspectives. Information Technology in Society Essay -- Technology, Computers, The Introduction In recent years there has been a big change as revolution in the computer and communication world and all the signs are that technological development and employ of information technology (IT) will continue go on with a fast velocity. Advocating and accompanying the impressive developments in the power and continue employ of latest information technologies has been the communications’ declining cost consequently of both technological enhancements and developed competition. Such great progresses in development present several major and great opportunities but also pose a lot of challenges. Nowadays, increasing in inventions in the field of IT are having extensive effects all over the society, and different strategy makers are working on various issues in which economic output, rights of intellectual property, protection of privacy and approach to information. Option created now will have enduring effects, and concentration must be devoted to their socio-economic impacts. The most important and very effective outcome of the development of IT is most likely the electronic communication and commerce through the Internet, a latest approach of leading the business. However, in recent times, it may fundamentally change the economic behaviours as well as the social atmosphere. Previously, it impacts those important fields like communications and interactions, retail business and finance and might spread out to sectors mainly like the services of health and education. It involves the seamless process of communication as well as information technology all along the whole business value chain that is managed electronically (Castells, 1996). Literature Review The IT has impacted numerous aspects and features o... ...ted to change in the future times. Finally, the relevancy of a contemporary informational infrastructure to the socio-economic well-being of a society cannot be undervalued. Most favourable options, be they social, cultural or economic must be relied on the finest accessible information. The information’s quality determines the efficiency of any provided choice. In the people sphere, approach to believable information and data is a prerequisite to pluralistic and participative democratic system, development of human, social and economic clearness, and the development of different society. Understanding, knowledge and information infrastructures encourage and support conversation between those holding different thoughts. It is only in an environment in which authentic realities and information are obtainable that people can establish own views and perspectives.

Friday, July 19, 2019

An Analysis of On Sitting Down To Read King Lear Once Again Essay

An Analysis of On Sitting Down To Read King Lear Once Again The poem "On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again" by John Keats is a sonnet about Keats' relationship with the drama that became his idea of tragic perfection, and how it relates to his own struggle with the issues of short life and premature death. Keats uses the occasion of the rereading this play to explore his seduction by it and its influence on himself and his ways of looking at himself and his situation in spite of his negative capability. From the first few lines Keats alludes to the great romances of the previous ages as opposed to William Shakespeare's great tragedies. While it could be discerned that Keats is referring to his poem Endymion: A Poetic Romance, the underlying meaning of the lines remains. Keats writes "O golden tongued Romance, with serene lute!/ Fair plumed Syren Queen of far-away!/ Leave melodizing on this wintry day,/ Shut up thine olden pages and be mute." (Lines 1 - 4). Keats here is shutting out the idyllic romantic notions he cannot at this time cling to due to the ever present spectre of death that hangs above him. Keats forsakes the romantic here leaning instead toward the tragic, which is what he perceives his short life to be. In these opening lines Keats seems to be a desperate, and morose storyteller who forbids himself the taste of the ideal, regardless of how strong a pull romance has for him. Keats is forced to command the romance to "Shut up thine olden pages and be mute!" (4) in orde r to pull himself away from it. This shows not only the strong attraction romance holds for Keats, but also Keats' recognition of the Romance as a personified thing he can converse with and bid "Adieu!" (5). The use of ... ...ime it is clear that Keats has succeeded in accomplishing the transition of the Phoenix into immortality, as Keats still lives on over one hundred seventy five years after his death in his poetry and our memories ON SITTING DOWN TO READ KING LEAR ONCE AGAIN by John Keats O golden tongued Romance, with serene lute! Fair plumed Syren, Queen of far-away! Leave melodizing on this wintry day, Shut up thine olden pages, and be mute: Adieu! for once again the fierce dispute (5) Betwixt damnation and impassion'd clay Must I burn through; once more humbly assay The bitter-sweet of this Shakespearian fruit. Chief Poet! and ye clouds of Albion, Begetters of our deep eternal theme! (10) When through the old oak Forest I am gone, Let me not wander in a barren dream, But when I am consumed in the fire, Give me new Phoenix wings to fly at my desire.